A History of Irish Republicanism in Dundee, c1840 to 1985 charts the peaks and troughs of Irish and other radical activity in Dundee against a wider historical backdrop.
It is the story of the struggle to establish an Irish Republic, and how support for that cause – including support for physical force – waxed and waned in the city over almost 150 years.
The first in-depth examination of Irish republicanism in Dundee, Rút Nic Foirbeis’ book identifies where the interweaving strands of radicalism, nationalism, republicanism and socialism converged and diverged.
It explores dynamic tensions within and between the Irish national and other radical movements, along with the critical moments when national and social interests coalesced into a single struggle.
A History of Irish Republicanism in Dundee is a milestone analysis of Dundee’s role in Irish Republican history and provides an engaging and gripping narrative and insight into a lesser known aspect of Dundee’s past. It will appeal to anyone interested in Scottish and Irish history and politics.
In Irish Republicanism in Dundee c1840-1985, Rút Nic Foirbeis offers a compelling account, scrupulously researched, of the role played by this historically radical Scottish city in the struggle for Irish independence across 150 years of political transformation....Through a painstaking narrative that embraces complexity rather than seeking clear lines of development Nic Foirbeis points the way to a deeper understanding of Irish-Scottish relations and a fuller appreciation of Dundee’s place in a shared history shadowed by colonialism and conflict.
Willy Maley, editor of Scotland and the Easter Rising
A must-read for all serious students of Irish history and radical Republicanism.
Jake MacSiacais, former Republican prisoner, Irish language activist and former Blanketman.
A book that simply must be read.
Tommy McKearney, former Republican prisoner and hunger striker, trade union organiser, and author of The Provisional IRA: From Insurrection to Parliament
It is a cracking read while still presenting a wealth of evidence. It should also annoy all the right people.
Graham Smith, Professor of Oral History, University of Newcastle
The book brilliantly fulfils her commitment to ‘weave Irish threads into the rich tapestry of Scottish radical history.
Robbie McVeigh, author of Ireland, Colonialism, and the Unfinished Revolution: Anois Ar Theacht an tSamhraidh